Oh I think it's time, time time
We stand apart
In line, line ,line
And we wait, wait, wait
HEY! So hold on, wait just a minute
Let's get right down everyone
Bend your knees to the ground and feel
Feel the earth for the first time,
Feel for real
And breathe
Breathe deep
Now turn your thoughts upon Jesus Christ
Just remain
Draw near
Surrender to His Glory
His Majesty
Draw near
Know He is Lord of all.
Let your heart cry out His Name in praise
And thanks for all the life He has made
See He alone has the Power
To carry you through this hour
Draw near, near, here
Weep, weep, release your pain
As He calls to you
Be born again
Born of spirit now not just flesh
Follow, listen, discern, rest
Do not run out into the world
Or fall for deceptions miracle call
We've entered a time when evil abounds
And the devil seeks to devour
To give you a mark
Of the beast of the dark
But remembering Jesus' power -
Trust in Him till the end of days
When the sun is darkened
The moon holds no rays
When the stars shake and fall
We hear that trumpet call
All of heavens angels appear in the clouds
And the Son of Man comes with great Glory and Power
The angels gathering from every direction
His elect from the earth
To receive His Salvation
To bow and be given crowns of glory
As every soul gives an account for his story
Hell and death are cast into the lake of fire
As is every evil name not found in the Lamb's Book of Life
The new heaven and earth come down as a bride
For the Lord whose the temple of men and their light.